
Create new opportunities for learning and design with our free high-quality resources which include award winning games for children, research informed learning trails for teachers and tool-kits for innovators to support ethical approaches to design.

ARGLE Learning Trails for Educators

The ARGLE Learning Trails highlight how co-designing Alternate Reality Games (with children, teachers, artists and students) can provide a range of learning opportunities. The approaches described are underpinned award-winning research and were assessed and peer reviewed by panel of experts from The European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET) who deemed them to be examples of good practice in relation to ‘ Enhancing digital literacy skills in early and primary years’ education’.

Steam Powered Dreams

This ARGLE Learning Trail foregrounds the educational benefits of integrating opportunities for children to develop digital literacies across the curriculum.

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Time Travellers Wanted

This ARGLE Learning Trail is based on an innovative module developed for student teachers in their final year at the University of Roehampton, and foregrounds the educational benefits of designing playful missions with cross-curricular aims. Can your classes change the course of history?

Coming Soon

Stories to Life

This ARGLE Learning Trail is based on an award-winning longitudinal study undertaken in a London School, and foregrounds the educational benefits of supporting children to adapt novels into multi-media playful quests with and for their peers.

Coming Soon

Award-winning games for Children

TEACH YOUR MONSTER TO READ is a series of games developed by the Usborne Foundation to support children in the early stages of learning to read.  These games are free to play on computers and can also be purchased from the app store. All purchases support the on-going work of the charity.
Teach Your Monster to Read

The Teach Your Monster to Read series consists of three games: First Steps, Fun with Words and Champion Reader.

Reading for Fun

This game, commissioned by the Usborne Foundation, is designed to support children to read for pleasure through digital play.

Teach Your Monster Classroom Tool-Kits

Board Games, Playground Activities, Flashcards and More….!

Design Tools for Innovators

The Playful by Design Tool, is currently in development and will be launched in July 2022. It has been commissioned by the Digital Futures Commission in consultation with a range of leading games companies. The resources develop will provide a range of prompts and provocations for innovators to  support companies to integrate ethical approaches to design into production practices and ensure that that children’s rights and needs form the foundation of digital products.



I am skilled at finding creative solutions to social and institutional challenges. I also am adept at communicating complex ideas visually. I have developed new models of literacy and play which have informed the work of educators in the UK and internationally. Through innovative research methodologies and co-design practices I adopt approaches to research which value and integrate the diverse voices, views, needs and concerns of young people and educators. Please do get in touch if you would like me to help you tackle a new challenge or explore new ideas.

Get in touch!
  • (Colvert, 2021) Kaleidoscope of Playful Possibilities (For the Digital Future Commission)
  • (Colvert, 2018) Model of Immersive Play (For Punchdrunk Enrichment)
  • (Colvert, 2015) Hybrid Model of Literacies (Adapted by the European Cost Action Group DigilitEY)